Traditional Healing Process
Traditional Lotion Method of Healing Fresh Tattoos
A fresh tattoo is an open wound! Clean your hands before touching your tattoo.
Remove the bandage after an hour, and wash the area with warm water.
Use mild, fragrance-free soap (Dial or Dove). Use your hand to gently wash off dried blood and ointment. DO NOT use a cloth OR ANYTHING ABRASIVE.
Pat dry using a clean paper towel or air dry. allow the area to completely dry off.
Apply a THIN LAYER of unscented lotion (Aquaphor, Aveeno, Lubriderm, special formulated tattoo cream.)
Wash the area 2-3 times a day, allowing skin to fully dry and allow skin to breath before applying more ointment/lotions. Repeat daily for 3-5 days.
DO NOT pick or scratch your tattoo, doing so can cause infection, irritation or pulling your ink out.
AVOID tight clothing, you want your skin to breathe.
NO swimming, soaking, or hot tubs for a minimum of 6 weeks.
NO tanning or direct exposure to sunlight for minimum of 6 weeks.
IF you suspect infection, or notice excessive redness due to irritation, stop applying lotion and wash often. Allow the area to dry out completely.
WHEN the scabbing process starts, do not pull/pick off scabs, as doing so can pull out ink from your skin and/or cause scarring.
If you have any question or concern regarding your tattoo, please contact your artist or the studio.
Additional Instructions for those with special medical situations
(diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer, etc)
Clean the area with mild and unscented soap using cleaned or gloved hands. Allow skin to air dry and avoid anywhere that may have pet hair, dirt, dust or allergens .
Apply a thin layer of unscented or special formulated ointment or lotion to the area. Allow the ointment to be fully absorbed into the skin. Do not cover the area! Skin must be allowed to breathe.
Clean and re-apply ointment 2-4 times a day as needed.
Some body parts require extra attention such as hands and feet due to their exposure to the elements. Avoid bumping or touching them.
For diabetics, patience is key; allow time for skin to heal between sessions, break the design into multiple sessions so your skin does not become overly traumatized.
Eat a balanced diet, rest and relax. Your body needs extra help to heal your new tattoo.
DO NOT expose your new tattoo to the sun! UV light fades and bleaches the ink and can cause permanent damage to your delicate skin cell during healing process
DO NOT soak the tattooed area, long term soaking causes the skin cells to loose grip on the new ink and can lead to transdermal bleeding, making the ink fuzzy.
DO NOT participate in excessive exercise. Sweat carries bacteria and germs that can increase chances of skin irritation and infection. Clean the tattoo after exercise.
Keep the tattoo area relaxed and still. Your body needs extra time to heal due to your conditions. Please be patient and practice common sense. When in doubt, contact your tattoo artist.